About NLI
Did I get your attention?
American Medicalized-Male Genital Mutilation (AM-MGM) is a horrific crime against our own children of vast proportion. AM-MGM has only been allowed to continue under the cover of silence and a lack of basic common knowledge of the anatomy and function of this normal and erroneously maligned human body part.
The excuses and medical lies that have been advanced in its favor are so incredibly weak there use in arguing for AM-MGM are laughable were it not for the tragic, unacknowledged repercussions for society and the millions of affected men. Anyone using these pathetic excuses exposes either their complete lack of basic knowledge of the anatomy and function of the male genitals or a sicker more insidious ulterior motive.
There is literally no reasonable argument or justification a rational person could make to take pliers, clamps and knives to the genitals of healthy children. It’s quite disgusting, stupid and cowardly to say the least.
Once the seeds are planted as more people wake up to recognize the facts of how damaging this hidden and insidious crime is against our children, AM-MGM will crumble under its own weight.
The future is inevitable and society will change, like it always does. One day AM-MGM will be viewed with the same disgust as other human created atrocities such as slavery, or concentration camps.
However it’s NOT happening FAST ENOUGH! This is 2020, not 10,000 BCE.
With current attrition rates, reasonable estimates are without an exponentially growing, effective movement, it will take at least 20 years before America finally rids itself of AM-MGM.
We OWN every aspect of this non-debate. We have all the science, ethics and reason firmly on our side. There is absolutely no doubt this is very harmful and very damaging to our children and to our society. You can’t start the male side of society live’s with knife rape and torture and expect no repercussions!
We need to get this information in the right hands, the people’s hands, and this crime will come to an end much faster.
With an effective movement we could force the Medical Industry to come clean about their lack of truth concerning AM-MGM within 5 years.
There is literally no reasonable argument or justification a rational person could make to take pliers, clamps and knives to the genitals of healthy children!
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IF we work hard. IF we unite and IF we focus on effective, powerful, efficient outreach I have no doubt we can make doctors fear malpractice and we can vastly reduce the current rates of AM-MGM. Lets do the math to see how much we can change the world with our own butterfly effect.
In 2019 there were 3.8 million baby boys born in America. 3.8 million per year, assuming no change in birth rates, for 15 years equals 57 million baby boys at risk for Genital Mutilation that we have a potential to influence.
If we give a conservative estimate of 60% mutilation rate that comes to a total of 34,200,000 baby boys we can PREVENT from suffering a damaging, harming, needless violation of their most intimate private parts when they cannot fight back.
If we are successful and in 5 years we can create the environment of exposure where more and more parents are even upset the doctors are pushing AM-MGM, we can save these babies.
We have the power to end thousands of years of sexual torture and cutting of children! Don’t doubt for a second your capability, nor the power of our combined capabilities!
NLI intactivist programs create the potential for us to each force multiply the influence of each other. Alone we will have limited reach.
Intactivism needs planning, it needs organization and it needs intelligent, effective activism. All other rights movements had this organization. We do not, which is why our influence until now has been so ineffective.
Our message is undeniable.
American parents have been massively duped by medical professionals we thought we could trust.
American parents do not want to harm their children.
Lets break that undeserved trust. Lets shine a light on the grimmy back alley slimeballs that are American doctors who cut healthy children for profit.
We can prevent untold, unnecessary, harm to children and damage to their lives before it ever happens!