The capability for the average person to pay attention has dropped dramatically in recent years due to bad nutrition building faulty brains, and a lack of quality education.
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Despite our bad nutrition, people have always been stupid.
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The best way to Educate quickly in line with the average learning capacity is with MEMES!
Picture worth a thousand words?
Limited Time Trying to Fix Stupid?
Level of Intelligence You Are Trying To Reach Rather Low?
Meme it.
The NLI Meme Library is your one stop quick Meme Shop (all FREE) based off Category and the Specific Type of Stupid You are Trying to Fix!
Over 9,500 INtactivist Memes To Enhance Your Capbabilities!
Over 275 Subjects Relating to All Areas of Intactivism!
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Show them the Truth about CHILD GENITAL CUTTING!
These Images don't lie!
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African Western Funded Mutilation
African Western Funded Racist Circumcision Propaganda Pro Mutilation
American Circumcision Documentary
Anatomy Structure and Function
Anatomy Structure and Function 16 Functions
Anatomy Embryonic Development Homologues
Anatomy Mechanical Function Lubrication Intromission Function
Anatomy Size of Foreskin Not a Flap or Snip
Aposthia Birth Defect Born with No Foreskin
Appearance Aesthetics Cosmetic
Awareness Awakening to the Truth
Bullshit Circumcision is All BULLSHIT
Complications Ear Drums Bursting
Complications Necrotizing Fascitis
Cosmetic Optional Customizations of Children
Culture Society Brainwashing Idiots
Cutters to Shame: Dr. Cat London US Sentate NOT
Cutters to Shame: Dr. Janet Campbell Matthews
Cutters to Shame: Dr. Rachel Seay
Cutters to Shame: Nurse Khalishia Taylor
Diagnosis No Diagnosis No Surgery
International Medical Organizations
Know Someone Who Had To Be Mutilated
Logos Intactivism Intactivist Organizations
Mammals All 5,500 Mammals have Foreskin
Media El Pueblo Chieftain Excellent Debate
Medical Professionals Against Genital Mutilation
Medical Benefits Medicade Medicare
Medical Quacks Cosmetic Insurance Billing No Diagnosis
Medical Quacks Hospital Consent Form Scam
Medical Quacks Preexisting Conditions CIRC MUST GO ON
Men Happy to be Sexually Crippled
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what we do in life… echoes in eternity
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