Next Level Intactivism
Every Human being Deserves their whole body
Next Level Intactivism (NLI) is an organization of intactivists, by intactivists, for intactivists dedicated to supporting, educating and recruiting an all volunteer force to work together on projects which allow us all to have a far greater effectiveness and reach than if we worked alone.
Our goal is to end the shameful, cowardly, ignorant, embarrassing aberration in our culture of American Medicalized Child Genital Cutting (AM-CGC) and protect children from this strange, horrible, and demeaning human cultural mistake of cutting the genitals of healthy children.
Our children deserve better than the scars of adult insecurities and medical ignorance carved into their genitals.
Next level Intactivism
We are a force multiplier
Our programs
Current Running:
NLI Meme Library
NLI Media Outreach Database
Volunteer Connection Project
Mutilators Accountability Project
Proposed Future Programs:
Doctor Accountability Project
Nurse Outreach Project
Intactivist Education Project
University Speaking Events
Politician Outreach Committee
Religion Outreach Committee
Scientific Research Committee
Language Translation Committee
Documentary and Film Committee
About Us
We connect volunteers to opportunity.
* Are you a web designer or graphic designer?
* Have good organization skills?
* Are you a good writer or a good speaker?
* Are you just dedicated and want to help?
* Do you have your own intactivist project and need help finding volunteers?
We can find an opportunity to help either through one of our Programs or through another organization that matches your needs.
Get Involved
* Social Media becoming an echo chamber?
* Only a small fraction of your friends seeing your posts/tweets?
* Not comfortable posting on Social Media, but want to help in your own way?
* Want access to resources to make you a more effective intactivist?
* Our Volunteers are force multipliers behind ending child genital cutting for male, female, and intersex children in America!
Take our questionnaire so we can find an opportunity for you!
work with other dedicated intactivists....
Expand your reach!

your contribution matters
Help us with a project, start your own project, get help with an existing project!
Get Involved
We are in dire need of help with our database creation, organizing, writing articles, editing, email sending, phone calls and graphic design.
Financially we hope to fund the printing needs of our Print Media Committee’s first round of intactivist printing where we hope to get printed materials in the hands of intactivists.
At this time we have developed a huge database of tens of thousands of reporters, editors, and producers and thousands of media outlets in numerous states.
We hope to start running email campaigns designed to educate reporters on the facts of Child Genital Cutting.
Start by filling out our Volunteer Questionnaire. This shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes. Once we get this back from you we will call you to set up a meeting time with one of our Volunteer coordinators.
Click here or the Get Involved Button Below
USe our resources
NLI Education Library
NLI Meme Library
NLI Printed Materials - do you need flyers and/or stickers? Can't afford to purchase your own? We will buy in bulk and as soon as we can, provide donated funds to help you get flyers you can hand out at events.
Doing an Event?
Have us develop a media database of your local area and help you run or run a media campaign for you..
Need a Volunteer? Let us know your organizational needs
next level 4 the next generation
Every human deserves the right to choose what happens to their body! Our goal is essential to a better future for our children. Let’s not make the same mistakes of our parents. Let’s stand up for the helpless who cannot comprehend nor consent such a permanent alteration to their sex organs, and will suffer the damage of this societal wide ignorance. What we do now will echo into eternity. Do something, not nothing!
Start now
How to start?
Start with our questionnaire. Once we have an idea of your talents we can find a way to maximize your potential.
We are here to help!
Feel Free To Contact Us Through Facebook if you want some personal help!
how I can help?
Make a donation
NLI runs off Volunteer power alone, as such we do not take Donations.
We are not a Non Profit.
But we do SHAMELESSLY solicit donations to vetted, high quality, Intactivist Organizations who depend on your donations to function.
In this capacity we do not compete for donations from the limited intactivist pool. We hope to encourage intactivists to continue to give what they can.
WE hope to expand the pool of donations as well as enhance the outreach, volunteer base and effectiveness of all Intactivism.
Start A project
There are numerous projects that cost very little money that just need to be started.
For example, we would love to start a Southwest Hispanic Political Outreach Committee.
In this committee actions would be planned to educate local politicians in the southwest where intact Hispanic population are in danger of Western doctor ignorance of their natural body.
We could ask local Hispanic politicians to take a stand on CGC (Child Genital Cutting) and use our Media Database to inform media of their responses.
Join an existing project
Currently our biggest time drainer is developing the Media Database. This is also our most powerful project.
At one time we were up to five people helping with the database. We are down to two now. Anyone who could help with this please volunteer and we can train you.
NLI will soon start running media campaigns to our growing media list. We need writers, people who can help create accounts and send emails as well as messages on Social Media.
We will soon need educated intactivist who would like to help with follow up phone calls to make sure our messages are being read and acknowledged.
⇩ MEDIA Success Stories ⇩
We Get Articles published!

We helped get 15 Media Articles Printed During the Bloodstained Men Southern College Tour 2019!
Our media database in action!
1. Inform Media of Intactivist Events and Organizations Goals and Purpose
2. Educate Reporters, Editors and Producers of the Hidden Facts of CGC – time to crack the taboo
3. Get Articles Published in media outlets reaching thousands of additional people that missed the protests.
4. Reduce bias in reporting by providing scientific data and evidence that refutes common societal wide misconceptions such as mutilation benefiting hygiene or causing a reduction in diseases.
Note: We are not affiliated with any other organization. While we may share like minded goals and we may have differences of opinion of how to get there, at NLI we have a deep respect for all intactivists and intactivist organizations. We salute you. If we can help you an any way, please reach out!
Help us reach higher!
From our blog
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