Bloodstained Men Depends On Your Donations
It is expensive to transport, feed and roof the Bloodstained crew!
Without Boots on the ground we have no story to push to reporters!
BSM Also Needs funding for Billboards
Without Boots on the ground we have no story to push to reporters!
BSM Also Needs funding for Billboards
Your Donations Saves Babies!
When parents are given the TRUTH about American Medicalized Genital Cutting they choose to leave their boys whole!
Help get parents this ESSENTIAL information!
It is NOT normal for a society to SYSTEMICALLY MUTILATE the GENITALS of it's CHILDREN!
Donate to Bloodstained Men
Help get parents this ESSENTIAL information!
It is NOT normal for a society to SYSTEMICALLY MUTILATE the GENITALS of it's CHILDREN!
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